Blooms That Just Don't Quit

As a plant specialist for Pacific Garden Design, I frequently encounter customers that have been misled to believe that roses are the only summer-long, blooming perennials that are hardy enough for our fairly harsh climate. Between weather that hovers right around 0° for weeks on end, and months of extreme high desert heat, it’s easy to forget about some of the other hardy perennials that thrive in our region. To counter that misinformation, I’ve compiled a short list of my favorite summer-long-bloom perennials for our complex region!

If you’re anything like me, I love filling my garden with plenty of pollinators for our honey bee and butterfly friends! Echinacea, commonly known as Coneflowers, are a beautiful, upright, summer perennial that many know and love. Not only are they USDA Zone 5 hardy, they also put on a dazzling display of color nearly all summer long. With a practically limitless selection of colors, there’s always a color to match your garden’s style.

Another tall, upright perennial, whose color we can enjoy for months, is Alcea rosea, or Hollyhock. Their long stalks and layered flowers nicely border buildings or fences, creating a fully floral addition to your landscape. Like echinacea, they are perfect for local pollinators, and come in a variety of colors. Unlike echinacea, Hollyhock can reach up to 7’ tall; that being said, be choosy about where you plant this one! Another bonus of Hollyhock is its deer-resistance, cold hardiness, and drought tolerance.

Let’s change it up a bit with a fan-favorite, the Hardy Geranium, commonly known as Cranesbill. Flowers, and deer-resistance, and drought tolerant, oh my! These are a few of our favorite things, but this low-grower provides beautiful blooms all summer long that are perfect as a ground cover or garden filler. They bloom from late spring to mid-autumn and are a vibrant addition to the sunnier areas of your landscape. Unless you want them to sprawl and drape over a wall, I recommend cutting them back after their first bloom to help them keep a compact shape.

Next on the docket is one of the most forgotten and underrated summerlong bloomers: Astrantia, commonly known as Masterwort. Hardy for USDA zones 4-9, these delicate, star-like blooms will light up your shade or part shade garden and are wonderful for fresh or dried flower arrangements. Growing 1-2’ in height, they also come in a wide variety of colors. Related to our favorite winter-bloomer, Lenten Roses (Helleborus), this perennial blooms from early summer until the end of the growing season, and is a whimsical addition to any cottage garden.

Ending on another one of my favorite herbaceous perennials is Kniphofia, commonly known as Red Hot Poker. Another tall pollinator, reaching 3-4’ in height, the bright oranges and reds that Kniphofia comes in help to curate a vibrant garden. Virtually disease-free, and resistant to deer and rabbits alike, Kniphofia brings a unique visual element to the garden without the pests!

These are just a few of some of the great summerlong blooms that our region has to offer! Zone 5 might be tough, but so are these perennials.

- Ki Stelahue, Plant Specialist for Pacific Garden Design

Red Hot Poker or Kniphofia

Red Hot Poker or Kniphofia